QuicKYC AI has been designed with Deep Machine Learning to fully atomize the customer on-boarding process through e-KYC solution. The QuicKYC AI is developed with a vision of 24x7 to reduce efforts of customer and at an organizational level to increase business with lowest dropouts.
An innovative first ever e-KYC solution for Individual Customers with fully AI enabled with no manual intervention of Verifier/Checker at the back end.
QuicKYC AI is an end-to-end solution for the automation & digitization of Account Opening Process with system integrations to smoothen and shorten account opening process. The Solution provides a platform for the Stockbroker to initiate and conclude the entire KYC. There will be multiple API based integrations to eliminate manual efforts, omissions, and errors.
- Fully AI based process flow.
- AI driven dashboard for analysis
- Aadhaar/KRA based KYC Fetch
- 100% system driven validation.
- Complete automation of KYC
- Automation of regulatory files upload
- Easily configurable Engine as per business requirements
- Reduces manual intervention.
DIY (Do It Yourself) Web Based
- Unique One Stop Digital KYC Platform to quickly open Trading and DEMAT Account for Individual Customers.
- Targets highest customer registration v/s acquisition ratio.
- Process made simple for client by:
a. Fetching data & documents from Regulatorily approved sources like Digi Locker, KRA etc.
b. Authenticating data through external APIs
c. All the data and documents are verified through Artificial Intelligence (AI) for faster onboarding without any manual intervention.

Salesperson APP (Android/ IOS)
- Smartphone & Tablet based solution to complete account opening process in a jiffy. Enables BYOD.
- All the data and documents are verified through Artificial Intelligence (AI) for faster onboarding without any manual intervention.
- Automated e-Sign and DDPI validation & revocation facility
- Continuous engagement and application status update through real-time notifications.
Call Center Management:
- A real time data display of clients in the console panel.
- Call center module has the facility to integrate with VOIP solutions.
- Call Centre users will be monitoring the CLIENT’s process and progress on the module and will be able to assist or follow-up with customer if the need be.